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Holla Readers!

It is feel like we have not meet for a long time. I am so happy to shared with you my new entry regarding what have I learnt in my previous class. This week our lecturer Madam Azidatun touched on the topic "search engine and online database". She told us that search engines like Google, Yahoo and many more used software that can collects all the data from web and include in its database. She also told us that every search engine has their own database. This also means that when you search information on different search engine you might be found different information based on the search engine's database. Search engine were divided by certain parts. its are database, web crawlers or spiders, user interface and info retrieval system.

Besides that, we also had discovered a website which we can help us to find anyone by only type their name and the computer does the research. You can just google PILP and it will show the website. Of course we tried to find several people and the result was pretty impressing. After we finished explore PILP our lecturer continue our study on search engine.

Thats all i wan to share with you this week.
Bye Bye! 😀


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ENTRY 1 (first post!)

Hi guys! Welcome to my blog and this is my first post. I really hope that we can share some valuable and useful knowledge. If you guys have any suggestion to improve my blog please do commend below. You also might have a chance get to know me even closer since i am very attractive.  By the end of this week I'm gonna do some give away which a set of my used socks. I hope you enjoy reading and streaming my blog. On my next post, I will start posting about my reflective essay. Wassalam and Happy Fasting! MARHABBAN YA RAMADHAN!


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